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Announcement Made Two Months Before Taking Office As Governor Of Santa Fe

Maximiliano Pullaro Presents His Cabinet Team

Announcement Made Two Months Before Taking Office as Governor of Santa Fe

On Tuesday, November 14, 2023, Maximiliano Pullaro officially announced the eleven initial members of his cabinet team, as he prepares to take office as Governor of Santa Fe in two months. The announcement was made during an event in Cayastá, where Pullaro emphasized the diversity of the team:

"We have formed a plural team, representing a wide range of perspectives and experience," Pullaro said. "Together, we will work tirelessly to address the challenges facing our province and create a brighter future for all Santa Feans."

Pullaro's cabinet includes a mix of experienced politicians, academics, and business leaders. The full list of appointees is as follows:

  • Chief of Cabinet: Silvina Frana
  • Minister of Government, Justice, and Rights: Roberto Sukerman
  • Minister of Economy: Gonzalo Saglione
  • Minister of Education: Adriana Cantero
  • Minister of Health: Sonia Martorano
  • Minister of Production, Science, and Technology: Daniel Costamagna
  • Minister of Infrastructure, Services, and Water Resources: Silvina Frana
  • Minister of Labor, Employment, and Social Security: Juan Manuel Pusineri
  • Minister of Culture: Jorge Llonch
  • Minister of Security: Claudio Brilloni
